إمتحان مناظرة المدرسة الوطنية للإدارة : دورة نوفمبر 2021 - إختبار الأنقليزية-


إمتحان مناظرة المدرسة الوطنية للإدارة

دورة نوفمبر 2021

إختبار الأنقليزية



Read the following text and then answer the questions that follw.


Innovation to improve sustainable energy

1.     The Ashden  Awards for Sustainable Energy is a charity that rewards and promotes excellent sustainable energy solutions in the UK and the developing word.

2.     Each year, the Ashden Awards holds a competition to find and reward organizations which have carried out practical and innovative programs that demonstrate sustainable energy in action at a local level. These are based on the use of local, renewable energy sources.

3.     The charity raises international awareness of the potential benefits of local sustainable energy projects to deal with climate change and to improve the quality of people’s lives. It also aims to encourage more people and communities across the world to take up the challenge of finding new ways of meeting their energy needs.

4.     The charity helps the development of sustainable energy projects in several ways. It gives cash prizes, to enable winners to take their work forward. It also publicizes the winners and their work through a worldwide media campaign, which aims to inspire others to follow their example, and by bringing together the winners with the main decision-makers and opinion formers, they aim to change their thinking and policy among governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

5.     A case in point is that of a project run in the Rathnambhore National Park in India, which is home to a large tiger population. The villagers living near the park had been cutting down trees in the park for firewood. This was causing a serious problem, and we-members of a local NGO-were asked to come up with a practical solution.

6.     We set up a project to build a lot of small biogas systems. It’s not cutting-edge technology, but it’s very reliable and cheap. Basically, you mix cow dung and water in an underground tank. From this, you get biogas which you use for fuel, and the rest can be used for fertilizer. We based the idea on an earlier model at Deenpandu, with a few small developments.    

7.     It’s an innovative concept-we give the families the specifications and some training, and they build the system themselves. You need at least four cows-it’s not feasible with fewer than four animals. Projects like this bring about real improvement for everyone. The villagers get clean fuel and excellent fertilizer… and another major advantage is they don’t need to cut down many trees. So, it’s good news for the tigers too-a real success.

8.     The second case in point is that of a project consisting in manufacturing a prototype of wind turbines which make the production of electricity from wind power very efficient. The key features of the turbine are its size, obviously, and its state-of-the art design. As you know, conventional wind turbines are often very large-this causes concerns about where to locate them, about their environmental impact. But the technological breakthroughs we’ve made in the design have allowed us to get round this problem-and our turbine is vibration-free and almost completely silent.

9.     At the moment, it is still quite expensive to buy and install, but with mass production we’re hoping to bring the costs right down, and make installing a turbine a commercially-viable proposition for many people.

Source: Michael Duckworth and Rebecca Turner. Business Result (2016)



        I.            Give evidence from the text that the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy does not only fund the selected environmental projects but also assures a comprehensive follow-up of the various stages of such projects. (3 pts)

     II.            With reference to the two cases mentioned in the passage, show how the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy insists  that the selected projects should be entirely environment-friendly. (1 PT)

   III.            How should the potential project-bearers be innovative and self –reliant, in the first place? (1 pt)

  IV.            Find words in the passage that mean (1 pt)

1.     Advanced or sophisticated

2.     Capable of being continued without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

3.     Overcome

4.     Detailed descriptions of the various components, characteristics and steps to be taken when achieving a project.

     V.            Read the text, and then say whether the following statements are right or wrong and give arguments from the text: (1pt)

a)     The Ashden Awards for sustainable Energy grants assistance to all those who request it.(Right/wrong)

b)    The projects sponsored by the Ashden Awards for sustainable Energy are meant to benefit only their owners. (Right/wrong)

c)     The prototype of wind turbines mentioned in paragraph 8 turned out to be too expensive and therefore impractical. (Right/Wrong)

d)    The winner’s projects are meant to inspire other potential applicants for similar projects. (Right/Wrong)

  VI.            Give the reasons why the sustainable environment project-bearers are encouraged to draw on other successful experiences like the case described in paragraph 6? (1 pt)     


LANGUAGE: (8 points)

I.                  Put the following sentence in the singular (1pt; minus 0.25 for each mistake)

-those gentlemen worry about their wives’ problems

     II. Put in the plural form (0.75 pt; minus 0.25 for each mistake)

-         This farmer’s wife starts feeding her calf with a leaf before serving his share of straw.

III- Choose the right alternative (1pt; 0.25 each)

a)     The farmer takes care of (many/much) sheep.

b)    None of the products (are/is) competitive.

c)     Never (I have/ have I) seen such a disaster

d)    This method is (useless/useful). You can hardly see any change.


IV- complete with the right prepositions when necessary (1pt; minus 0.25 for each mistake)

Starting (a)……january 21, 1990, torrential rains damaged the country, particularly the center and the South. (b)……January 24, the results seemed disastrous. The Tunisian government asked (c)…….the United Nations to launch an appeal (d) ………international assistance. Indeed, Tunisia was assisted (e) …………several countries.

V- Put the verbs in the right tense (1.25 pt)

Yesterday, I (a- to hold)…………a  meeting with my staff. I (b- to speak)……… to them sincerely. Indeed, since the end of 2019  the situation (c- to be )………..really difficult. The crisis (d- to hit) ………the economy hard. The future (e- to seem)……….gloomy.

VI- Ask questions about the underlined words (1pt, 05 each)

a-     Natural disasters are costly

b-    Some agricultural activities may disappear in the future.


VII- complete the following sentences (2 pts, 0.25 each)

a-     The sector of agriculture is vulnerable, but it ranks high.

-         Despite …………………………………………..

b-    I approved your candidacy, so you were accepted

-         Thanks to my ……………………………………

c-     They brought different innovations

-         Different innovations……………………………

d-    You must repair all these items

-         All these items……………………………………

e-     I could answer some of your questions

-         I could not………………………………………..

f-      I will arrive late at night

-         My ……………………………………………….

g-     I would like you to represent me in the meeting

-         I would like you to be……………………………

h-    Slim is intelligent, but Aly is very intelligent.

-         Slim is ………………………………………Aly.


WRITING (4 pts)

Water is becoming rare in Tunisia. According to you, what are the consequences of this rarity?  And what are the solutions to face this problem? (15- 20 lines).


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